Wedding ring , cellphone or another precious item lost in the Netherlands?

Need immediate help press the red button.

Have you lost your wedding ring, bracelet or other precious piece of jewelry on the beach, in the forest, in the grass, in the water or just in your garden? The volunteers of the Found-Lost Foundation are happy to help you find your precious possessions again.
We know that a piece of jewelry can be of great emotional value, and its loss is horrific.
This also applies to mobile phones, especially if they contain precious photos.
We will therefore do everything we can to locate your precious possession for you.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need us, we are happy to act for you.
What can we track down for you?
We work with the most modern metal detectors, and can detect all objects that contain metal, including precious metals.
This applies to items lost on land as well as items lost in the water.
If there is metal in it, we can help you.
Because we have many years of experience in this field, we know exactly how to find your lost item.
We are proud that we have already been able to reunite many people with their precious jewelry and that this list is still growing.
We do our utmost for every search, because we know that every piece of jewelry, every object has a story.
A story that ends abruptly when you lose it.
We want nothing more than to give this story a nice sequel.

We can and will help you !

Requesting our search service is simple and effective.
You send us a message when you have lost something, it is of course important that you know approximately where you lost the item.
Send us as much information as possible, preferably also with photos from the location, so that we know what to expect and we can prepare ourselves as well as possible for what awaits us. On our search service request, we refer to our general terms and conditions, which you can find here. We also support archaeological research We can also support archaeological research, both on land and underwater (maritime archaeology). If you need help with this, please don’t hesitate to contact us. In addition, we regularly support the digital tracing of lost items, in collaboration with the municipal hotlines We work together with Ilost and lost or found   to which most municipalities are affiliated. You can of course also visit those sites to see if your item has already been found. Knowing more? To see what we do you can reach us on Twitter, Facebook. Follow Instagram and YouTube, this gives a good insight into our possibilities. You may have some questions before you want to engage us. On the questions page we have already answered the most frequently asked questions for you. If you still have other questions, you can always send an e-mail to E-mail: All our contact details can be found on our contact page. We would like to point out that we, like you and every other citizen in the Netherlands, have a duty to report when finding an item that falls outside our remit. If you have found an item yourself, report it via one of these links: Lost or Found counter, ilost, municipal registration pages
0031629067470 whatsapp

What items can we find back for you?

All objects that contain metal we can find for you.
The people in our group are in the possession of the most modern metal detectors for both on land and in and under the water.
That is why this is the best chance we’ll find your lost item back up.
Our metal detector search service requests works simple and effective.
It is even free of charge u only pay for the gasoline.

Now we already have helped a very large number of people and all are happy  with recovering their lost possessions.
If you have lost an item, such as an ornament, car key, phone or whatever, and you know where it is but u just can’t find it, you can
Also, when you need assistance with archaeological ruins, you can of course also contact us.
Do you have a wedding ring or jewelry found, you can report this also we will process them in all digital systems so that the item soon at the rightful owner comes back.
We work with Ilost gevondenofverloren and affiliated to most municipalities, also we do this free of charge.
Follow us by all socials press the link :

You may have several questions.

On the questions page we already have answered the most frequently asked questions for you.
Should you have other questions, you can always E-mail through the contact form.

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